UX Designer
A Marketing hero turned Designer, I mindfully use kindness and consideration to spark delight in the user experience.


I love tinkering and finding ways to MacGyver something. Discovering unique ways to solve problems has been rewarding in both my professional and personal life.

One part interest and two parts curious is my recipe for picking up new skills through unconventional means--like html from viewing source codes and reading Chinese through TV/karaoke.

I often put other people’s needs above my own. A commonly mistaken weakness in my professional narrative is now my strength as a designer. Exercising empathy gives me purpose and keeps me grounded.

"Where your talents and the needs of the world cross; there lies your vocation. "
- Aristotle

I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. What I did know was that I thrived when creating engaging solutions that put a smile on someone’s face. Little did I know I could apply empathy creatively in a professional context. When I discovered UX, I challenged myself to take a risk--quit a job I was great at--and design a path to my dream career.
This rewarding journey has gifted me the perspective of seeing how well my natural personality can be defined in terms of design principles. I felt the joy of a child learning how to read, bridging the abstraction between sounds and letters.


Follow my journey through design and delight.

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